It’s A Dogs Life
I don’t know about you, but I love dogs. They are loyal, affectionate, funny and full of character – it doesn’t take long, and they are soon an irreplaceable member of any family.
What we find heart-warming here at Headfudge HQ is when loyal dog owners include their prized pooches in their hobbies – so what we have done, is compiled together some of our favourite pictures of these adorable K9’s enjoying some adventures in the great outdoors with their owners.
Dogs live for adventure. They have been ‘a man’s best friend’ for centuries and love nothing more than exploring the big wild world with us. They don’t want to laze about at home or to be bound by the garden fence – they want to get out there, explore, feel the wind between their fur! Give them that opportunity by your side...
Most dogs love the water, so as long as they have their safety jacket on, including your dog in your water-based hobbies should be really good fun! Dogs love nothing more than being with their owner, wherever it may be. Check out this pup on a surf board!

Paddle boarding with pooches seems to be more and more popular these days. As paddling can be a lot slower than surfing, and can be done on all kinds of water; ocean, lakes, rivers... it's much easier to pop your dog on the front of the board and go for a relaxing paddle.

Kayaking, like paddle boarding, can be nice and slow – pop pooch in front and set off for a watery adventure together!

What about hiking – this is another outdoor pursuit dogs love to get involved with! They love exercise, whether they are big or small! Make sure you pack some fresh water for them to enjoy on their journey, but otherwise, make the most of the outdoors and embrace the freedom!

Got a camping trip planned? Make sure you choose a dog friendly site and pack pooch into the car with you. They will love the change of sleeping somewhere different, as long as they are with their family. You can explore your new surroundings together and they can sit with you round the campfire, warming their bellies, as you put the worlds to rights. They will be in doggy heaven!

Why not slow it down even more and take them with you when you go fishing – either on land or sea! Take them along with you for company (for both of you!). It is a known fact that being around animals is relaxing for humans so why not bring them along with you to enhance the relaxing experience even more!

So next time you are planning a trip out on the water, consider taking your pooch along for the ride (literally!) and make sure you take some pictures and tag us in them! #headfudge
#headfudge #freespirit #embracethefreedom #outdoors #adventure #dogslife #surfing #camping #sup #paddleboarding #hiking #thegreatoutdoors #liveinthemoment #getoutthere