The Headfudge Ethos – it applies to kids too!
Here at Headfudge Clothing we feel very strongly and passionate about the brand's ethos. As mum to a 9 year old girl, growing up in an ever increasingly virtual world – a technology fuelled and social media crazed society – it's more paramount than ever to instill the values into our kids about the benefits and importance of spending time in the great outdoors... having fun, adventures, discoveries and being immersed in nature. Getting sandy, salty, windswept, muddy and wet... that's what being a kid is all about!
Sadly, the window of time for a care-free and innocent childhood is decreasing rapidly these days and we need to encourange our young ones to embrace the freedom they have to be kids for as long as possible – while it lasts – with less time on iphones, ipads, social media and TV.
My fondest memories as a kid were those of being outdoors... making tree houses, camping (usually in the rain!), family trips to the english seaside, walks and adventures along the coast or in the forest, discovering rock pools or rivers and finding exciting new places to take my friends. I want my litle girl to grow up with those same precious memories... x
Life is so short... get out there and live it!

Our new Emblem
Our design for the first kids range features the new freestyle Headfudge logo along with the wording: ADVENTURE & NATURE – THE SCHOOL FOR LIFE. We hope this will reasonate with parents and be a reminder to the kids wearing our clothes to get out from behind the screen and have fun outdoors!!!